

To offer a simple standards compatible interface for extending an existing HTML element, adding extra functionality, callbacks and properties as well as templating. Bootstraps Custom Web Component, extending from the native element; adding in extra lifecycle hooks and moving run time methods around the process stack to ensure all browsers complete actions in the correct order.

<button is="my-component"></button>

Exports CustomHTMLButtonElement

Extends HTMLButtonElement (native)

Imports CustomWebComponent

Callback Methods

constructor() void

Add a constructor method to your parent web component to run code when your web component is instantiated. Ensure you call super() first!

constructor() {
connected() void

Add a connected method to your parent web component to run code when your web component is added to the DOM.

connected() {
disconnected() void

Add a disconnected method to your parent web component to run code when your web component is removed from the DOM.

disconnected() {
attributeChanged(attribute, oldValue, newValue) void

Add a attributeChanged method to your parent web component to run code when your web components attributes mutate. Use this callback method to detect changes from the outside world, updating your component accordingly. Requires registration of the attributes to be monitored using observedAttributes() to return an array of names.

  • string attribute The attribute that has mutated.
  • string oldValue The old attribute value, all HTML attribute values are strings.
  • string newValue The new attribute value, all HTML attribute values are strings.

attributeChanged(attribute, oldValue, newValue) {
propertyChanged(property, oldValue, newValue) void

Add a attributeChanged method to your parent web component to run code when your web components attributes mutate. Use this callback method to detect changes from the outside world, updating your component accordingly. Requires registration of the attributes to be monitored using observedAttributes() to return an array of names.

  • string attribute The attribute that has mutated.
  • string oldValue The old attribute value, all HTML attribute values are strings.
  • string newValue The new attribute value, all HTML attribute values are strings.

propertyChanged(property, oldValue, newValue) {

Config Methods

static get observedProperties() Array

Returns an array of property names to observe for mutations. On mutation of one of these properties, propertyChanged callback is fired. Failure to register properties for observation will result in callback not being fired. Please note, when monitoring objects, changes to properties inside it will not be detected.

TIP: You can set properties on elements by prefixing with a dot <foo .bar="text"></foo>

static get observedProperties() {
	return ['foo', 'bar'];
static get observedAttributes() Array

Returns an array of attribute names to observe for mutations. On mutation of one of these attributes, attributeChanged callback is fired. Failure to register attributes for observation will result in callback not being fired.

TIP: You set attributes on elements in the normal way <foo bar="text"></foo>

TIP: You set add/remove attributes on elements with a question mark <foo ?bar="${true}"></foo>

static get observedAttributes() {
	return ['foo-one', 'bar-two'];

Example Class

import { CustomHTMLButtonElement } from "../../node_modules/custom-web-component/index.js";

 * HelloWorld
 * A sample Custom HTML Element, to be used in any system that is capable of outputting HTML
 * Build on Web Standards and polyfilled for legacy browsers, using a simple clean lite HTML template rendering called lit-html
class MyComponent extends CustomHTMLButtonElement {

     * @public constructor()
     * Invoked when instantiation of class happens
     * NOTE: Call super() first!
     * NOTE: Declare local properties here... [this.__private, this._protected, this.public]
     * NOTE: Declarations and kick starts only... no business logic here!
    constructor() {

        this._propertyOne = 'one';

     * @static @get observedProperties()
     * Return a list of observed properties, that will call propertyChanged() when mutated
     * @return {Array} List of properties that will promote the callback to be called on mutation
    static get observedProperties() { return [...] }

     * @public propertyChanged()
     * Invoked when an observed instantiated property has changed
     * @param {String} property The name of the property that changed
     * @param {Mixed} oldValue The old value before hte change
     * @param {Mixed} newValue The new value after the change
    propertyChanged(property, oldValue, newValue) { ... }

     * @static @get observedAttributes()
     * Return a list of observed attributes, that will call attributeChanged() when mutated
     * @return {Array} List of attributes that will promote the callback to be called on mutation
    static get observedAttributes() { return [...] }

     * @public attributeChanged()
     * Invoked when an observed node attribute has changed
     * @param {String} attribute The name of the attribute that changed
     * @param {Mixed} oldValue The old value before hte change
     * @param {Mixed} newValue The new value after the change
    attributeChanged(attribute, oldValue, newValue) { ... }

     * @public connected()
     * Invoked when node is connected/added to the DOM
    connected() { ... }

     * @public disconnected()
     * Invoked when node is disconnected/removed from the DOM
    disconnected() { ... }

customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent, { extends: 'button'});