Add structured layouts to the page, from simple cards and tables through to full application dockable layouts with menus and page areas that adapt to mobile.
No header or footer, just content in the card
You can put images, or maybe something else in a card.
Simple wrap it in the body and style the card.
Make your card have a header, you can make it collapsible.
You can also play with the loading attribute on the card to add a spinner to the card.
Style your card how you like.
You can even add a footer, put what you want in it.
Some thing in the body
Some thing in the body
Some thing in the body
Some thing in the body
Tell the card it is collapsible, by clicking the required header.
Tell the collapsed card that it is loading, requires header an collapsible.
The card border.--cwc-layout-card--border-radius
The card border radius.--cwc-layout-card--header--padding
The card header padding.--cwc-layout-card--header--background
The card header background.--cwc-layout-card--header--color
The card header text colour.--cwc-layout-card--header--border-radius
The card header border radius.--cwc-layout-card--header--open--padding
The card header padding when open.--cwc-layout-card--header--open--background
The card header background when open.--cwc-layout-card--header--open--color
The card header text colour when open.--cwc-layout-card--header--open--border-radius
The card header border radius when open.--cwc-layout-card--body--padding
The card body padding.--cwc-layout-card--body--background
The card body background.--cwc-layout-card--body--color
The card body text colour.--cwc-layout-card--footer--padding
The card footer padding.--cwc-layout-card--footer--background
The card footer background.--cwc-layout-card--footer--color
The card footer text colour.--cwc-layout-card--footer--border-radius
The card footer border colour.
<!-- direct import from html (you can import with ES6 import too in JS files! -->
<script type="module" src="/node_modules/custom-web-components/src/layout/index.js"></script>
.header {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: normal;
.body, .footer {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.styled-one {
--cwc-layout-card--border-radius: 10px;
--cwc-layout-card--header--background: blue;
--cwc-layout-card--header--color: white;
--cwc-layout-card--header--border-radius: 10px;
--cwc-layout-card--header--open--border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px;
--cwc-layout-card--footer--background: rgb(198, 224, 198);
--cwc-layout-card--footer--color: green;
--cwc-layout-card--footer--border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
.styled-two {
--cwc-layout-card--header--background: red;
--cwc-layout-card--header--color: white;
<div slot="body">
<h2>Simple Card</h2>
<p>No header or footer, just content in the card</p>
<p>You can put images, or maybe something else in a card.</p>
<p>Simple wrap it in the body and style the card.</p>
<cwc-layout-card class="styled-one" collapsible>
<h4 class="header" slot="header">A Collapsible Card</h4>
<div slot="body">
<p>Make your card have a header, you can make it collapsible.</p>
<p>You can also play with the loading attribute on the card to add a spinner to the card.</p>
<p>Style your card how you like.</p>
<p>You can even add a footer, put what you want in it.</p>
<div slot="footer">
<span>Something in the footer, maybe a button?</span>
<cwc-layout-card class="styled-two" collapsible loading>
<h4 class="header" slot="header">A Loading Collapsible Card</h4>
<div slot="body">
<p>Some thing in the body</p>
<p>Some thing in the body</p>
<p>Some thing in the body</p>
<p>Some thing in the body</p>
<div slot="footer">
<span>Something in the footer, maybe a button?</span>
This is a page...
Add a cwc-layout-router in this area and connect the selected route to render it here.
The route is updated. Event detail is the route selected.
changeRoute(Object route)
Change the route by sending in a route object, please refer to cwc-layout-router for route object.
Updates the menu to match the height of the page manually
Toggle the menu in mobile, docked, undocked.
Array[Object] routes
An array of all routes available
Object route
Selected route object, the selected route.
Object route.component
The component to load for this route such as 'my-component'.
Object route.path
The location path to match on route such as 'whole/route/matched' => ''.
Object route.prefix
The location prefix to match on route such as 'prefix/matched' => ''.
Object route.hidden
Should the route be hidden from menu
Object route.label
The label to use in the menu area.
Object route.permission
The permission you need to have to view the route available against permission in cwc-layout-router
Present when menu is docked (mobile).
The menu margin.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--padding
The menu padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--background
the menu background.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--color
The menu text colour.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-header--padding
The menu header padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-header--color
The menu header text color (inherits menu text color).--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-routes--color
The routes text colour (inherits menu text color).--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-routes--padding
The menu routes padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-route--padding
The individual menu route padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-route--opacity
The individual menu route opacity.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-route--background--hover
The individual menu route background on hover.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-route--selected--background
The individual menu route selected background.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-route--link--padding
The individual menu route link padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--width
The menu toggle button in mobile width.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--height
The menu toggle button in mobile height.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--border
The menu toggle button in mobile border.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--border-radius
The menu toggle button in mobile border radius.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--background
The menu toggle button in mobile background.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--bottom
The menu toggle button in mobile bottom position.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--right
The menu toggle button in mobile right position.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--opacity
The menu toggle button in mobile opacity.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--icon--width
The menu toggle button in mobile icon width.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--icon--height
The menu toggle button in mobile icon height.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--icon--padding
The menu toggle button in mobile icon padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-button--icon--fill
The menu toggle button in mobile icon fill.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-footer--padding
The menu footer padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--menu-footer--color
The menu footer colour.--cwc-layout-dockable--page--padding
The page padding.--cwc-layout-dockable--page--background
The page background.--cwc-layout-dockable--page--color
The page text colour (omit for router).
.dockable {
--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--color: white;
--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--background: blue;
<cwc-layout-dockable id="dockable" class="dockable">
<span slot="menu-header">My Business</span>
<span slot="menu-footer">My Copywrite</span>
<div slot="page">
<h1>Page One</h1>
<p>This is a page...</p>
<p>Add a cwc-layout-router in this area and connect the selected route to render it here.</p>
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelector('#dockable').routes = [
{ component: 'page-test-index', path: 'home', label: 'Home' },
{ component: 'page-test-one', path: 'one', label: 'One' },
{ component: 'page-test-two', path: 'two', label: 'Two' },
{ component: 'page-test-three', path: 'three', label: 'Three' },
{ component: 'page-test-four', path: 'four', label: 'Four' },
{ component: 'page-test-five', path: 'five', label: 'Five' },
{ component: 'page-not-found', path: '404', label: '404', hidden: true }
}, 1000);
Custom Web Component, adds dynamic lazy routing (deactivated) via push state URL or hashtag. Loads the matching component into the router dynamically.
Use optional permissions array to ensure user has access to show a permitted route. NOTE: Permissions are a way to restrict routes, DO NOT rely on JS based protection to safeguard an application. All system security should be at API for ANY JS based application!
Use with dockable to get a single page application with dockable meun and page area.
The route has been changed and is painted to the DOM.
Object route
The route selected { component: 'app-system-account', path: 'account', label: 'Account', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.account' }
Array[Object] routes
The routes to use as array of objects [{ component: 'app-system-account', path: 'account', label: 'Account', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.account' },...]
Array[Object.String] routes[].src (optional)
The full src path to the component such as '/src/component/my-component.js', if you wish to dynamically import, omit if loading all routes manually.
Array[Object.String] routes[].component
The component to display when route matched such as my-component
Array[Object.String] routes[].path
The url path to match such as some/url would match
Array[Object.String] routes[].prefix
The url prefix to match instead of the full path, such as some/url would match
Array[Object.String] routes[].label
The label to use when displaying links in the menu
Array[Object.String] routes[].hidden (optional)
Do not show the route in the menu
Array[Object.String] routes[].permission (optional)
The permission you need to have to view the route such as ui.route.something
Array[Object] permissions (optional)
The permissions for the user logged in, as an array of objects [{role, '', read: true, write, true, delete: true}, ...]
Array[Object.String] permissions[].role
The role that needs to match to the permission in the route
Array[Object.Boolean] permissions[].read
Does the user have read access
Array[Object.Boolean] permissions[].write
Does the user have write access
Array[Object.Boolean] permissions[].delete
Does the user have delete access
The default route path when no path has been found inthe URL, e.g., the base address, as in index.
The route to use when no route path matche to available routes e.g. 404.
Flag to tell the router if it's using push-state routing, requires <base href="/" />
(fallback is hashtag routing)
Flag to tell the system to redirect the default page to it's actual route or show it as domain root e.g.
export default [
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-index.js', component: 'app-test-index', path: 'home', label: 'Home' },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-index.js', component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'reset', label: 'Password Reset', hidden: true },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-index.js', component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'register', label: 'Register', hidden: true },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-index.js', component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'activate', label: 'Activate', hidden: true },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-one.js', component: 'app-test-one', path: 'one', label: 'One' },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-two.js', component: 'app-test-two', path: 'two', label: 'Two' },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-three.js', component: 'app-test-three', path: 'three', label: 'Three' },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-four.js', component: 'app-test-four', path: 'four', label: 'Four' },
{ src: '/src/app/test/app-test-five.js', component: 'app-test-five', path: 'five', label: 'Five' },
{ src: '/src/app/system/app-system-account.js', component: 'app-system-account', path: 'account', label: 'Account', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.account' },
{ src: '/src/app/system/app-system-admin.js', component: 'app-system-admin', path: 'admin', label: 'Admin', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.admin' },
{ src: '/src/app/not/app-not-found.js', component: 'app-not-found', path: '404', label: '404', hidden: true },
{ src: '/src/app/not/app-not-allowed.js', component: 'app-not-allowed', path: '401', label: '401', hidden: true }
import './app/test/app-test-index.js';
import './app/test/app-test-one.js';
import './app/test/app-test-two.js';
import './app/test/app-test-three.js';
import './app/test/app-test-four.js';
import './app/test/app-test-five.js';
import './app/system/app-system-account.js';
import './app/system/app-system-admin.js';
import './app/not/app-not-found.js';
import './app/not/app-not-allowed.js';
export default [
{ component: 'app-test-index', path: 'home', label: 'Home' },
{ component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'reset', label: 'Password Reset', hidden: true },
{ component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'register', label: 'Register', hidden: true },
{ component: 'app-test-index', prefix: 'activate', label: 'Activate', hidden: true },
{ component: 'app-test-one', path: 'one', label: 'One' },
{ component: 'app-test-two', path: 'two', label: 'Two' },
{ component: 'app-test-three', path: 'three', label: 'Three' },
{ component: 'app-test-four', path: 'four', label: 'Four' },
{ component: 'app-test-five', path: 'five', label: 'Five' },
{ component: 'app-system-account', path: 'account', label: 'Account', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.account' },
{ component: 'app-system-admin', path: 'admin', label: 'Admin', hidden: true, permission: 'ui.route.admin' },
{ component: 'app-not-found', path: '404', label: '404', hidden: true },
{ component: 'app-not-allowed', path: '401', label: '401', hidden: true }
.dockable {
--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--color: white;
--cwc-layout-dockable--menu--background: blue;
<cwc-layout-dockable id="dockable" class="dockable">
<span slot="menu-header">My Business</span>
<span slot="menu-footer">My Copywrite</span>
<div slot="page">
The table needs to order by external ordering, detail contains index of data to order and order.
The table needs to move to page by external pagination, detail contains page to move to.
The table needs to move to the start of the pages externally.
The table needs to move to the end of the pages externally.
The table needs to move back a page externally.
The table needs to move forward a page externally.
A table data event has been triggered, as set in table data [[{event: ...}]] returns row as detail.
Array[String|Object] header
An array (columns) of string table headings or objects ['One', {...}, ...].
Number header[].colspan
Column span of heading as Number.
Number header[].justify
Justify the heading left, center, right.
Number header[].fontWeight
Font weight of the heading normal, bold.
Number header[].weight
Width of the heading as percentage or pixel etc. 50%, 100px.
Number header[].order
Should the column be orderable, and direction, empty for orderable, asc, desc to force order.
Number header[].value
The actual heading should you be using an object and not a string.
Array[Array[String|Object]] body
An array (rows) of arrays (columns) of table data as strings or objects [['One', {...}, ...]].
Number body[][].colspan
Column span of data as Number.
Number body[][].justify
Justify the heading left, center, right.
Number body[][].fontWeight
Font weight of the heading normal, bold.
Number body[][].event
Make the contents a clickable button with an event to fire (returns row).
Number body[][].link
Make the contents a clickable anchor link.
Number body[][].value
The actual data should you be using an object and not a string.
Array[String|Object] footer
An array (columns) of table footers as strings or objects ['One', {...}, ...], if not paginating table.
Number body[][].colspan
Column span of footer as Number.
Number body[][].justify
Justify the footer left, center, right.
Number body[][].fontWeight
Font weight of the footer normal, bold.
Number body[][].value
The actual data should you be using an object and not a string.
The size of the pages (how many rows) when paginating internally or externally.
The amount pages calculated when paginating externally only.
The page you are currently on when paginating externally only.
The element is loading.
The table is paginated internally (replaces footer properties), we feed it all the data and let it handle the pagination, ordering etc.
The table is paginated (replaces footer properties), but externally, all pagination/ordering is handled outside table, events emit for table actions.
The table border.--cwc-layout-table--border-radius
The table border radius.--cwc-layout-table--cell--empty--height
The table cell height when empty (to stop collapse when loading).--cwc-layout-table--header--background
The table header background.--cwc-layout-table--header--color
The table header text color.--cwc-layout-table--header--border-radius
The table header border radius.--cwc-layout-table--header--padding
The table header padding.--cwc-layout-table--body--background
The table body background.--cwc-layout-table--body--color
The table body text colour.--cwc-layout-table--body--cell--padding
The table body cell padding.--cwc-layout-table--body--cell--event--padding
The table body cell event padding (when data has an event action).--cwc-layout-table--footer--background
The table footer background.--cwc-layout-table--footer--color
The table footer text colour.--cwc-layout-table--footer--fill
The table fill colour for icons (when paginating).--cwc-layout-table--footer--cell--padding
The table footer cell padding.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--right
The table footer page count right position.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--pading
The table footer page count padding.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--border
The table footer page count border.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--border-radius
The table footer page count border-radius.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--background
The table footer page count background.--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--color
The table footer page count text colour.
.tabled2 {
--cwc-layout-table--header--background: blue;
--cwc-layout-table--header--color: white;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--background: blue;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--color: white;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--background: lightblue;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--color: blue;
.tabled3 {
--cwc-layout-table--border-radius: 10px;
--cwc-layout-table--header--background: red;
--cwc-layout-table--header--color: white;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--background: red;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--color: white;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--background: white;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--color: #444;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--border-radius: 5px;
--cwc-layout-table--footer--page-count--right: 20px;
<h4>No Pagination</h4>
<h4>Pagination Internally (Full Dataset)</h4>
<h4>Pagination Externally (Paged Dataset)</h4>
@xyz="${this.cellButtonAction.bind(this, 'xyz')}"
@abc="${this.cellButtonAction.bind(this, 'abc')}"